
The main shortcomings of the existing system of monitoring the regulatory deadlines for sending simple written correspondence in postal networks established by law and subject to unconditional execution are identified. In contrast to the regulatory deadlines for sending registered letter correspondence, information about which is entered into the relevant databases, which provide the ability to track its location, the control of the standard deadlines for sending simple written correspondence is selective and subjective. This control is reduced to the distribution of control letters by so-called "proxies", who, as a rule, are current or former employees of the inspected objects of postal communication, because of which the heads of these objects usually know about the inspection of the objects they manage and always have extract letters from mailboxes, and fuel, and sorter written correspondence. Considering that any processing of simple written correspondence in postal objects ends with the exchange of this correspondence with the corresponding postal routes, and the transportation of simple written correspondence with postal routes — the exchange of this correspondence with the corresponding objects of postal communication, it is proposed to abandon the system of subjective selective control of standard terms for sending simple written correspondence by sending check letters and go instead to the lens system the continuous monitoring of the actual time of exchange of simple written correspondence between the objects of postal service and postal routes and between the postal routes and postal facilities with the help of appropriate technological cards.

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