
The purpose. To determine and examine the content of biologically active agents (BAA) (ascorbic acid, poly-phenolums) in fruits of seeded plants, stone fruit crops, berrylike and rare in crop fruit grades. To select those of them, which contain genetically great amount of vitamin C and polyphenolic matters. Methods. Laboratory, comparative, generalizing. Analytical researches executed within the last 2 decades in laboratory of technique of storage and processing of fruits and baccas. Objects of researches were 24 fruit, berrylike and rare in crop fruit grades. Results. By the lead researches it is established that the content of ascorbic acid was the least at fruits of seeded plants and stone crops (7 and 6 mg/100 g accordingly), and the highest — at berrylike crops (55,8 mg/100), maximum quantity of poly-phenolums contain baccas of rare grades (489 mg/100). Among berrylike crops great amount of vitamin C in conditions of Ukraine is accumulated with fruits of black currant — 87–243 mg/100. More than 200 mg/100 g of that vitamin in separate years accumulate baccas of grades Vladimirskaya, Chereshnevaya, Yubileynaya Kopania, Amethyst and Sofiyevskaya. More than 1000 mg/100 g of polyphenolic matters were contained with fruits of grades of honeysuckle Bogdana, Fialka and Pavlovskaya. Amount of anthocyans in the given spectrum of poly-phenolums of baccas of honeysuckle makes 120–200, chalcones — 25–85 mg/100 g. Conclusions. It is established that significant source of ascorbic acid can be fruits of sea buckthorn under condition of growing grades which baccas differ genetically timbered great amount of the given vitamin, and also baccas of black currant, wild strawberry and red currant. Greater r-activity (more than 1000 mg/100 g) have fruits of viburnum, honeysuckle and persimmon. In particular, baccas of honeysuckle and viburnum have high minimum of their content — 504 and 600 mg/100 g accordingly, coefficient of variation of amount of poly-phenolums in both crops — 30%.

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