
The main driver of intra-company scientific and technological exchange of multinational corporations is the dynamic increase in the scale of their international production and the transition of foreign subsidiaries from the implementation of technologically simple production operations to the production of science-intensive products. At the same time, intra-company technology transfer is a kind of response of multinational corporations to profound transformational changes in their business activities under the conditions of technoglobalism, which is accompanied by the ever-increasing elimination of cross-border barriers in the global sharing of knowledge. The first to be drawn into the "whirlpool" of internationalization were corporate research and development of an applied nature, and later – research and development aimed at adapting the technologies obtained by foreign branches to consumer needs and standards of local markets of the host countries. Among the latter, research and development of multinational corporations were included in the general internationalization process. The economic effectiveness of multinational corporations's participation in intra-company technology transfer consists not only and not so much in receiving royalties from the sale of licenses, but in obtaining indirect market competitive advantages based on the delegation of part of the innovative functions to foreign units, saving transaction costs for conducting research and development, increasing own business image, as well as the development and implementation of industry standards for the functioning of one or another sector of global production. In this way, multinational corporations achieve a number of strategic goals, namely: minimizing terms and transaction costs for the development of new technological inventions, leveling the negative impact of customs barriers and currency restrictions existing in various countries of the world, penetrating new segments of the global market, maintaining control over results of corporate research and development and prevention of their outflow to competing companies, development of corporate innovation networks, etc.

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