
Purpose. To create stocks of age-1 and 1+ carp produced with the use of defrosted and native sperm and provide the comprehensive characteristics of their quantitative and qualitative parameters. Methodology. The material for the study were age-1 and 1+ Nyvky scaly and non-scaly carp. Main quantitative and qualitative parameters were studied during spring assessment and autumn harvest using conventional aquaculture methods. Stocking density of age-0+ fish for wintering was 10 thousand kg/ha, age-1 fish – 1 thousand fish/ha. The exterior assessment of multiple age groups was carried out using following parameters: body weight and length, body depth, body circumference. Measurements were done using a measuring tape with a precision of 1 mm. Fish were weighed individually on electronic balances with a precision of 1 g. Following main exterior indices were determined and analyzed: circumference index, body length to depth ratio, head index. Findings. The study showed that age-1 fish produced from defrosted sperm had 0.25 and 4.5% higher survivability during wintering with the prevalence of non-scaly carp, however they were characterized by higher weight loss: 1.13% for scaly carp and 1.65% for non-scaly carp. Age-1+ fish produced from defrosted sperm prevailed over their age-0+ by weight by 2.69% for scaly carp and by 7.34% for non-scaly carp. However, fish of the experimental group were characterized by lower survivability by 1.0% and 3.25% compared to the control group. Fish productivity parameters during the study period varied from 810.7 to 1056.0 kg/ha. Originality. For the first time in Ukraine, a comparative analysis of quantitative and qualitative parameters of age-1 and 1+ carp produced with the use of defrosted and native sperm was performed. Practical value. Use of the method of cryopreservation of sperm obtained from brood fish with desired peculiarities of genotype allows improving creation of highly productive stocks using methods of individual selection, getting highly productive crosses as well as hybrids between geographically isolated populations. Key words: carp, defrosted sperm, age-1 fish, age-1+ fish.

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