
The article defines the essence, content and structure of subject and methodological competence of the future chemistry teacher in the process of professional training. The purpose of the article is to determine the essence, content and structure of subject and methodological competence of the future chemistry teacher in the process of professional training. Research methods: general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, analogy, hypothetical-deductive method. Results. Approaches to determining the essence, content and structure of methodological, subject and methodological competence of the future teacher are analyzed. It is shown that the concept of “subject and methodological competence of the future teacher” has the following essential features: conscious ability and willingness to qualitatively implement methodological work; the presence in the structure of a holistic system of personally conscious knowledge, skills, abilities and methods of activity that provide mastery of methodological activities; is a systemic personal formation that reflects the integration of theoretical, practice-oriented, research knowledge and skills; skills and abilities of self-development and self-realization. The concept of “subject and methodological competence of the future chemistry teacher in the process of professional training” is defined as an integrative characteristic of the individual, which includes a set of personality-conscious subject knowledge; ways to organize intellectual activity in solving problems of chemical content; ability to organize pedagogical interaction; designing an individual educational trajectory within the discipline; skills and abilities of own self-development and self-improvement. It is stated that motivational-value, cognitive, activity-procedural, reflexive-productive components are the main ones in the structure of this competence. The practical value of the results is that knowledge of the nature, content and structure of subject and methodological competence of future chemistry teachers in the process of professional training will design a structural and functional model of formation of this competence. Key words: future chemistry teachers, functional-activity approach, personality-activity approach, acmeological approach, integrative characteristic, motivational-value component, cognitive component, activity-procedural component, reflexive-productive component.

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