
Gases from bottom sediments of the Laptev–Siberian Sea zone contain methane (up to 8.3047 cm3/kg) and its homologues (down to and including pentane) totaling 0.0259 cm3/kg. The established values of the carbon isotope composition of methane (δ13С), the molecular weight of the hydrocarbon fraction, the weight concentrations of С1–С5 hydrocarbons and their ratios, the «wetness» and «transformation» coefficients of the hydrocarbons fraction, indicate the presence of various syngenetic and epigenetic gases in bottom sediments. Potential gas sources are modern sediments, peat, coal, gas and gas hydrate? deposits, solid bitumen, igneous rocks, and inferred oil and gas accumulations. It has been established that the distribution of hydrocarbon gases in sediments vertically and horizontally depends on the influence of a complex of geological factors – fold and fault tectonics, magmatism and seismic activity in the region, coal, oil and gas potential and bituminosity, organic saturation and lithological composition, hydrogeological, geocryological, and other conditions for accumulation of gases or their degassing.

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