
Goalof the articleis to develop a mathematical model of the behavior of thevariable structure system that are affected by oscillations. The dynamic of variable structure systems is considered on the example of аmotion of theinertial vibrating exciter on elastic supports.Significance. A large number of mathematical models of elastic system dynamic under the action of moving inertial load mostly coversonly the general approach to solving these problems, or describes a specific type of equipment that is narrowly used in certain industries. The proposed mathematical model of the oscillating system offers much greater possibilities. It allows to modify the developed approach to modeling the dynamic of variable structure systems depending on their parameters. Method. Using theLagrange's equations of the second kind, the dynamic of the inertial vibration exciter on elastic supports is modeled and the factors influencing its behavior are analyzed. Results. The presented mathematical model of the massive body behavior on elastic supports with a rigidly mounted shaft allows to substantiate the inertial-rigid and force parameters of the oscillatory system. Scientific novelty.A mathematical model of the body behavior on elastic supports with a rigidly mounted shaft, which transmits rotational motion to two imbalances through an elastic connection, has been developed. Practical significance.The proposed method of calculations allows furtherto investigate ways to stabilize the variable structure system and reduce the inertial load onstructural elements, which allowsto justifythe necessary parameters of technical systems.

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