
The purpose of our exploration is to investigate the computer technology impact on the development of art component in the modern design and engineering education. This is a case in the first instance of traditional arts such as Drawing, Painting and Sculpture. The thematic justification there is to analyse transformation trends of art image creation in a changing development context in the design area. The evolving methodological modern concept requires preservation and development the evolution way of things from its realistic perception (image) to its usage in the capacity of artistic tools and modern information technology tools. It would be instructive to examine the painting methodology of such authors as Nikolai Beschastnov, Vadim Kulakov, Irina Stor, Yuriy Avdeev, Gusein Guseinov, Victor Dyminskiy, Aleksey Sheboldaev (Painting), Yuriy Kirtser (Drawing and painting) as well as the legacy of classic and modern painters. In process of training painting and decorative transformations, information technology adaptation and appliance aim to educate high-level designers and architects. Careful study of nature combine with information technology art tools – this is a key stone of student training of Fine Arts departure of Institute of Architecture and Design Altay State Technical University. Perfect art skills together with technical achievements provides an opportunity to expand and enrich creative potential in carrying out tasks of any kind of complexity importing an art component in the modern design culture. Interest in information technology in a class-room environment Drawing-Painting-Sculpture is no doubt. It’s fascinatingly for students. New methodologies of Institute of Architecture and Design test and endorse in several subjects: Painting and Coloristics, Drawing, Colour transformations in design culture. Based on methodological experiments developed in Fine Arts departure of Institute of Architecture and Design Altay State Technical University and other Russian universities authors suppose that the modern information technology impact on new art architect training methodologies, student abilities for abstract creative reasoning, preserving art component legacy in architect education.

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