
Based on the documents of the State Archives in Transcarpathian Region and studies, the article presents a review of the monastery activities in the village of Biksad in the 18th century. The aim of the publication is a substantive study of the monastery history and related events and processes; organizing the list of abbots and monks of the monastery; clarifi cation and specifi cation of settled facts and dates; analysis of discovered archival materials. The research methodology is based on general scientifi c methods: comparative, method of analysis and synthesis, as well as special, archival methods: retrospective, historical and method of criticism of sources. The methods used allowed to study the existing archival documents, to analyse and characterize the revealed documents, as well as to preserve the historical pluralism of opinions and make appropriate generalizations. Scientifi c novelty. The revealed materials showed that the existing thematic, scientifi c works are far from the status of exhaustive, and substantive works on this topic, which are based on the materials of the State Archives in Transcarpathian region, are practically absent. The processed archival documents signifi cantly supplement, correct the existing historical facts and clarify new aspects of the life of monastery. Some fi les of fonds are introduced into scientifi c circulation for the fi rst time. Prospects for further research is that further study of the monastery will signifi cantly fi ll existing gaps in the history of monasticism of Máramaros Eparchy. The development of the topic will allow to expand the permanent knowledge about: the inner life of the monasteries of Máramaros in specifi ed period, will allow to objectively study the church history in Transcarpathia in the 18th century on the whole. The conclusions present the results of the research providing generalizing characteristic of the revealed documents of the State Archives in Transcarpathian region, stating that the foundation of the monastery was permeated by its rejection in the location region. The tragic fate of the fi rst abbot of the monastery was connected with his personal life and the principles of mission he used; full-fl edged activity of the monastery begins at the equator of the 18th century.

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