
The article analyzes the views of the leading Galician-Russian socio-public and cultural activists of the 19th century on the history and culture of Galician Rus. Most Galician-Russian intelligentsia of the 19th century shared the idea of Galician Rusyns being an inseparable and organic part of the triune Russian people consisting of Great Russians, Little Russians and White Russians. Galician Rusyns were considered by Galician-Russian intelligentsia as a kinship branch of Little Russian people. Galician-Russian cultural figures stressed the primordial tradition of cultural and historical unity of all Russian lands as well as the important role of Galicia in common Russian history. Thus, they considered the native of Galicia Metropolitan Peter to be one of the major figures in mutual Russian history as he supported the policy of Moscow Prince Ivan Kalita and played the crucial role in turning Moscow into the church capital of Russian lands in early 14thcentury. Moreover, the Galicians and Little Russians by birth played very important role in developing Russian culture, education and public thought in the period of the 17th –19th centuries. Traditional orientation of Galician-Russian intelligentsia on Russian culture and Russian literary language in the 19th century was strongly opposed by the representatives of the Ukrainian movement, which supported the idea of Galician Rusyns being a part of the Ukrainians, not belonging to Russian nationality. Due to political reasons, Ukrainian movement was widely supported by Austrian and Polish authorities, who used the First World War as a suitable pretext for mass repressions against the representatives of Galician-Russian movement in Galician region.

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