
The book of M. Isaev ″The carpet production of the Transcaucasus″ (Исаев М., Ковровое производство Закавказья, Тифлис, 1932) reflects all the issues and tasks related to the development of the carpet production in the region. M. Isaev’s work can be attributed to the manuals concerning the development of that branch in the industry. The book is an important source of information for the study of the formation of the Soviet carpet industry. The work of M. Isaev was based on economic, ethnographic, cultural studies of various peoples of the Caucasus - Caspian region. M. Isaev's book contains interesting and important information about the economic, cultural and domestic conditions of various peoples and ethnic groups of the Caucasian - Caspian region. The data on economic, cultural - domestic differences between the indigenous population of the Transcaucasus (Armenians, Lezgins, Dargins, Avars, etc.) and the nomadic Turkic tribes of the Caucasian - Caspian region are important. Assessing the work of workers in the carpet industry, the author highly appreciates the contribution of Armenian specialists in the development of this industry. According to M. Isaev, Armenian workers were in the leading positions.

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