
Statement of the problem. The article focuses on one of the priority tasks of the state – the preservation and strengthening of the health of the population. The purpose of the study was to identify the features of the psychological well-being in students with different somatic health in the pre-pandemic and pandemic period associated with COVID-19. The hypothesis of the study was based on the assumption that students of the second and third groups of dispensary observation with a low level of psychological well-being during the pandemic associated with COVID-19 will have lower psychological well-being than in the pre-pandemic period, and students of the first group of dispensary observation will have psychological well-being not changed. The methodological basis of the study was the concept of psychological well-being by С. Riff and approaches to understanding dispensary observation based on the legislative framework in the field of healthcare. Materials and methods. The presented results of an empirical study were obtained on a sample of medical university students. The study was carried out in 2 stages: stage 1 – in the pre-pandemic period, stage 2 – in the pandemic period. The study was conducted using a specially developed module for psychological diagnostics https://krasgmu.ru/index.php?page[common]=psy, which allows for data collection, automatic processing, and obtaining statistical data on a specific population of respondents. In an automated mode, the technique of “The scales of psychological well-being” by С. Riff was used. The study involved 311 students of KrasSMU at each stage of the study. Research results. No significant differences were found in the representatives of the first group of dispensary observation, which suggests a relationship between somatic health and the ability to maintain psychological well-being in difficult life situations (for example, during the Covid-19 pandemic). Noticeable differences were found in a number of parameters among representatives of the second and third groups of dispensary observation, indicating that for the respondents with somatic diseases it is more difficult to survive the pandemic period (confirmed by a decrease in the second stage of the number of respondents demonstrating a high level on the scale “Autonomy” and “Environmental Management” in both groups, as well as a decrease in the number of respondents in the third group of dispensary observation, belonging to the average level on the “Environment Management” scale and the average and high level on the “Goal in life” scale). The absence of significant differences on the scales “Positive Relations with Others”, “Personal Growth”, “Self-Acceptance” in all three groups was recorded, indicating stability of these indicators of psychological well-being during the pandemic period. Conclusion. It is concluded that it is the respondents with chronic somatic diseases who are more difficult to survive the pandemic period. The data obtained indicate the need to develop special programs for the psychological support of students with somatic diseases during the epidemiological regime.

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