
This research comes as part of the Quranic studies which aims at studying and investigating the manuscriptCof Al Naji response on the abrogator and the abrogated by Burhan Edeen Al Naji who died in 900 H.The focus on the scholars' legacy and their writtings and bringing them to light is one of the reasons for choosing to study this manuscript, and it's importance comes for the high status of it's author , in addition to the scient ific value of the manuscript. The research consisted of an introduction and two parts : the first part consisted of two areas of research: the first area on studying the author life and his scientific status ,and the second on studying the manuscript and the substatiation of its attribution, discription ,methodology and resources. And the second part is on investigation of the manuscript and then the conclusion in which I mentioned the key findings like : Apprenticeship of Burhan Edeen at the important maintainers of his time which had an impact on his high scientific position and his entrenchment in Hadith sciences and multiplicity of his modern authorities like: Availability of Scientific Evidence Inherits Prevelance of Probability, this authority was by Burhan Edeen Al Naji and also Al Naji did not intend to handle all the abrogated verses in Quran but just establishment of the occurrence of the abrogation with the indication that it was from Quran and then abrogated in reciting.

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