
Background. In 2023, measles incidence has worsened in the world and the European region. The purpose of the study is to assess the strength of immunity against the measles virus based on the level of antibodies among students and staff of healthcare institutions of the regional center in 2023. Material and methods. The object of the study was different categories of medical workers (students, doctors, nurses, orderlies, paramedical personnel) of city/regional healthcare institutions in Grodno, who were examined for the content of measles antibodies. Determination of the level of IgG to the measles virus in blood serum was carried out by ELISA using Vector-Best test systems (Russia). The level was considered protective with an IgG titer of more than 0.18 IU/ml, uncertain (gray zone ELISA) with an IgG titer of 0.11-0.18 IU/ml, the absence of a protective antibody level was observed with an IgG titer of less than 0.11 IU/ml. Results. In 2023, the non-immune proportion of personnel working in the city's healthcare system, who did not have a protective level of specific antibodies, amounted to 15.3%, which creates additional risks of the spread of measles in the region and in healthcare institutions when providing medical care. The most vulnerable age group is medical workers aged 19 to 50 years. Сonclusions. The significant difference in the strength of immunity against measles among personnel of various healthcare institutions necessitates an additional assessment of the strength of immunity in all healthcare workers as well as individual preventive vaccination for persons with no protective level of antibodies.

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