
The qualitative and quantitative composition of planktonic societies in the southern part of the Kerch Strait in the coastal zone of the Taman Peninsula in September 2018 was studied. The phytoplankton consisted of 84 species, the average values of its abundance and biomass were 106 ± 22 million cells/m3 and 227 ± 32 mg/m3 respectively. The leading role in its composition was played by Nitzschia tenuirostris (by number) and Proboscia alata (by biomass). Zooplankton was represented by 24 species and taxa, its quantitative indicators were 32.5 ± 3.3 thousand individuals/m3 and 0.24 ± 0.02 g/m3 respectively. The copepod Oithona davisae dominated in terms of numbers, Oithona davisae, Parasagitta setosa, Decapoda and Cirripedia larvae dominated in biomass. An analysis of the composition and structure of planktonic communities showed their low structural diversity and evenness, as well as a stress state due to natural and anthropogenic factors. A close trophic relationship was revealed between the quantitative indicators of copepods and phytoplankton, excluding the dominant microalgae, the shape and size of which prevent them from being grazed.

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