
The article examines the activities of the information, media and cyber units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Lithuania and its Ministry of Defense as constituent components in informing their own population, the international community and enlisting maximum support for their actions, countering information threats through mass media and cyber attacks from unfriendly countries that are trying to influence the Republic of Lithuania. The peculiarities of national legislation regarding national and information security, the functioning of the strategic communications system, the activities of the press services of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Lithuania and their mass media, methods of responding to information incidents and the formation of relevant reports are analyzed. The task and structure of the military mass media (newspapers, radio and television, Internet resources), information agencies and press services have been studied. For the first time, the activities and organizational staffing structure of the information and media structures of the Armed Forces of Lithuania were investigated; normative and legal acts on issues of strategic communications and response to information incidents have been introduced into scientific circulation. The article also examines and compares certain differences between the information and media structures of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Lithuania. In particular, staffing of military mass media with servicemen and independent civilian workers. Thestudy describes how the beginning and subsequent armed and hybrid aggression of the Russian Federation against the Ukrainian people from 2014 until the start of a full-scale war in 2022 affected the activities of the information and media structures of the Republic of Lithuania and the adjustment of the state's regulatory and legal legislation in the information and cyber sphere .

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