
On the basis of generalized impedance method the propagation of single-dimension wave in multi-layer structure which contains the rectangular-type barrier is investigated. The concept of single barrier as a slide which parameters are different from the parameters of all other slides of structure is introduced. It is investigated the variation of position of real negative single barrier along the length of structure. It is found that the entrance impedance along the length of structure is varied by periodic manner. It is found the analytical formulas which simulate the dependencies of real and imaginary parts of entrance media impedances from coordinate along the structure. It is found three basis regimes which correspond to different character of oscillations: regime №1 – precise periodicity, regime №2 – break periodicity, regime №3 – monotonous increasing. It is investigated the coefficient of reflection for all mentioned above cases. It is found that the reflection coefficient from barrier displacement is not depended. It is found the periodic character of changing of amplitude and phase of reflected wave and also reflection coefficient when the height of barrier is varied. For interpretation of observed dependencies it is proposed the model of resonance inside of barrier. It is investigated the special feature of wave propagation when the barrier has complex character. It is investigated the case when the real path of wave number of barrier medium is established constant but imaginary path of the same number is varied in wide boundaries. It is established that reflection coefficient started by zero when the imaginary part of wave number is equal to zero. When imaginary part of wave number increases the reflection coefficient smooth increases in limit goes to unit. The passing coefficient also smooth decreases but more quickly then reflection coefficient and in limit goes to zero. The absorb coefficient started by zero at first smooth increases and after reaching of maximum smooth decreases in limit goes to zero. It is investigated the case when real and imaginary paths of barrier medium wave number simultaneous increase in equally proportion. It is found that in this case on the smooth curves for coefficients ob reflection, passing and absorb it is putted the oscillations. The character of oscillations is explained in the frames of resonance model.

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