
Abstract: The article aims at an in-depth analysis of the Communist Party of Ukraine crisis at the time of Perestroika (1985-1991). The consequences of the crisis are mass resignations, formation of fractions and platforms, regionalization and decentralization of party structures. Furthermore, the crisis contributes to continuing fall in authority of CPSU in general and of CPU in particular limiting its access to real levers of influence upon the transformational processes; the loss of control over the course of reforms; the growth of spontaneity, chaos and uncontrollability in the development of society.
 In order to overcome the crisis, the Communist Party makes an attempt at a generational change in the Soviet party nomenclature, which is supposed to significantly rejuvenate the political elite of the USSR and the Ukrainian SSR. However, the authors of the article, having analyzed archival documents, prove that in the Ukrainian SSR, a generational change does not take place, and the young cadres who come to power have no real influence. An attempt to change generations in the country's political elite fails and becomes the cause of internal political conflict.

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