
The article focuses on the participation of the private armies of Prince Vladyslav Dominik Zaslavsky in the Cossack Revolution, 1648-1651, during its first years. This was the most active period of Khmelnytsky’s Uprising, when the battles of Zhovti Vody, Korsun, Kostiantyniv, Pyliavtsi, Zboriv and Berestechko took place. At the height of the Uprising, Zaslavsky's military units were a significant force and played an important role in the battles. In particular, near Zborov in the summer of 1649, they saved most of the crown army from instant defeat. From 1650 to 1651, the number and activity of the Prince's banners decreased significantly, which can be explained by the deteriorating economic situation of Zaslavsky and his inability to maintain a strong military retinue. The years 1648-1651 were the period of the greatest power of his military forces. However, in the following years until his death (1656) the Prince provided his armed forces to help the crown army.

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