
Aim. A comparative study of the biochemical composition and properties of goat and cow milk produced in the Volgograd region in order to determine the most appropriate raw materials for the production of baby food. Materials and Methods. In the course of the experimental studies were used generally accepted biochemical and mathematical methods of analysis: mass fraction of fat was determined according to GOST 22760-77, protein – according to GOST 23327-98, SOMO – according to GOST 3626-73, freezing point – according to GOST 30562-97, mass fraction of moisture – by drying in an oven, amino acid composition – by capillary electrophoresis on Drops 105M, density – using a hydrometer, Klever 2M, Laktan 700 (GOST R 54758-2011), mass fraction of lactose – according to GOST 34304-2017, mass fraction of mineral salts – according to GOST 26929-94, macroelement composition – using device Kvant 2AT. Results. As a result of the research the state of goat milk production in the country and, in particular, in Volgograd region has been studied. The laboratory studies have established that goat milk differs significantly from cow's milk by its physical and chemical properties, protein and fatty-acid composition. For example, goat milk contains up to 65-67% unsaturated fatty acids, which is 4-6% higher than in cow's milk. At the same time, goat milk is reliably superior to cow's milk in unsaturated fatty acids content. Goat milk, contains calcium up to 143.0 mg, magnesium – 14.0 mg or 16.6% and 7.7% more than cow's milk, respectively. In goat milk, the Ca:P ratio is more than 21.8%. Such milk contains both pro-vitamin and total vitamin A. In terms of vitamin A content, goat milk exceeds cow's milk by 2 times, vitamin E by 1.28 times, vitamin C by 1.33 times, vitamin PP by 3.0 times. Conclusion. In the studies we have shown the biochemical features of goat's milk in comparison with cow's milk. It is revealed that about 10 thousand goats of dairy breeds are kept in goat farms of Volgograd region. Pasteurized and sterilized milk, sour cream, cottage cheese and cheese are produced in small quantities. However, the prospects for goat milk production and processing in the region are seen, which is associated with the annual increase in the number of dairy goats and the increase in consumer demand.

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