
The reform of local self-government in Ukraine has created conditions for the effective operation of all territorial entities related to local development. Its practical implementation is aimed at the use by territorial communities of: various types of their own potential for development, search for opportunities for cooperation, development of local economy and infrastructure, creation of incentives for socioeconomic growth; instruments for long-term and short-term planning, when the general goals defined in the strategy are specified in programs and implemented through projects; conditions for obtaining high-quality services of European level; providing opportunities for the full-fledged life of citizens in their territories. At the present stage of implementation of the decentralization reform in Ukraine, the request for the formation, in accordance with European principles and values of conceptual provisions for determining the directions of spatial development, of territorial communities of various types is more relevant than ever, which, in turn, actualizes and makes promising the need to update the legislative framework regulating these issues. A wide range of developments and the urgent expediency of forming and improving the legislative framework for use in public administration of territorial development (in particular, in the context of overcoming the consequences of military aggression against Ukraine) determines the relevance of further development and implementation in Ukraine of an effective system of regulatory and legal support for the formation of directions of spatial development, its stimulation, development of strategies, solving existing socioeconomic problems, using certain management and development tools, including through the introduction of an expanded and multi-level classification of regions, territorial communities, etc.

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