
ABSTRACT The systematic management of river is difficult due to various environmental factors such as season and terrain deformation. Especially, river terrain are rapidly changing by natural and anthropogenic factors such as torrential rain during the summer and river development projects. Thus in this conditions, building the advanced river management system is an essential condition to support the ongoing management of survey data and to acquire data regularly through river terrain survey in order to maintain an active river. The need to build an efficient system have been increased through the enhancement and advancement of River Management Geographic Information Systems(RIMGIS). In this study, database design system and Riverbed Change Data Management Program was developed for systematic management of new river terrain survey data and the efficient use of river data dynamic changes. The key features are construction of river survey data, cross and longitudinal section monitoring and analysis of riverbed change data. Maintenance tasks which can be utilized in river-based architecture was constructed. The expected results are to be able to manage river systematically, and utilization of river topographic survey data efficiently for river maintenance work.KEYWORDS : Bathymetry Data, River-bed Change, Data Management, DB Design, RIMGIS

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