
The aim of the study is to determine the typological features of a teacher’s image in Chuvash literature. The article analyses the image of the enlightener I. Ya. Yakovlev and identifies the artistic means of creating pedagogical characters. At the same time, this image is considered in the cultural-historical and national context. So, analysing the prose works of K. Petrov (“Taer”) and M. Trubina (“Childhood”), the authors of the article reveal the features of a literary hero and his connection with the personality of Yakovlev. Cultural and historical documents are involved in the work to determine the relationship of the character with his prototype, with the life and moral convictions of the Chuvash enlightener. Among them, first of all, it is necessary to mention the “Spiritual Testament to the Chuvash People”. The scientific novelty of the study is associated with the special role of the teacher in the humanization of the society and the aesthetic features of his representation in literary work. This problem in the Chuvash literary criticism is little studied and requires rigorous research. As a result, it was proved that the image of I. Ya. Yakovlev is quite fully depicted in all genres of Chuvash literature. He acts as the organizer of the Chuvash teacher’s school, an enlightener, and a teacher. Very often he is portrayed as the main “educator” of the Chuvash creative and scientific intelligentsia.

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