
The article considers important aspects of the organization of the educational process at the Donetsk National Medical University. Active perception and processing of symbolic educational information requires a special organization, well-thought-out methods of presenting educational material, which contribute to the active work of the student's thinking when reading and comprehending the content of the presented material, memorizing information. The leading type of information perception, when using information and communication technologies, is visual. The study reveals the formation of subject competencies in medical students during the analysis of statistical reports of health care institutions according to statistical reporting forms No. 2 for the Kirovohrad region for 2022, which were provided by the Municipal institution "Kirovohrad Regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control". HIV infection was analyzed in the districts of Kirovohrad region, namely, in Novomyrhorod district, Oleksandrivka district, Dobrovelichka district, Znamyanka district, Ustinivka district, and a statistical analysis was made with visualization of the results in the form of visual models: bar and pie charts. Practical training of students is a mandatory component of the educational and professional program for obtaining a qualification level and is aimed at acquiring professional skills and abilities that will be necessary in professional activities. For example, in the AIDS Center, infectious disease doctors have an electronic tool for taking ART, testing for DM-4 and VL, which includes information about the patient, contact numbers and other things, which makes it possible to monitor the impact of therapy on the patient's condition, necessity and timeliness examination for DM-4 and VL. Data are entered by doctors and nurses every day after the patient is admitted. The analysis of the electronic tool is performed once every 2 weeks, before each scheduled blood sampling for the examination of DM-4 and VN, the data is used to remind and invite patients for the appropriate examinations. The use of schematic visualization of medical information contributed to the formation of more rational methods of working with educational material for future doctors.

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