
The article is devoted to the study of the issues of the implementation of prosecutorial inspections of compliance with the requirements of the law when the bodies of preliminary investigation make a procedural decision to refuse to initiate criminal proceedings. It reveals the basic, fundamental concepts on the issues of prosecutorial inspections, raises some of the most pressing problems today. In particular, attention is paid to the subtleties of prosecutorial checks when checking decisions on refusal to initiate criminal proceedings on reports of crimes committed in the field of entrepreneurship, ways to strengthen prosecutorial supervision in this area. Both positive and negative examples of interdepartmental interaction of the prosecutor's office with the bodies of pre-liminary investigation and inquiry are also considered. The relevant statistical information of both the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Dagestan and the investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Dagestan is provided on these issues. The authors come to the conclusion that the protection of the rights of victims of crimes, the restoration of the violated security of society, the violated interests of the state are extremely important and responsible tasks assigned to the prosecutor by law. Accordingly, the prosecutor is obliged to act proactively, clearly and clearly indicate his legal position on certain issues, orienting other law enforcement agencies accordingly to specific actions.

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