
The article discusses the problems of improving the quality of the living environment in the special conditions of Palestine, as well as the theoretical foundations of programs (vectors) for the transformation of residential areas in the formation of an architectural and landscape complex based on a model of complex schemes of the environment-regulating system. Natural characteristics and human activity are the main elements of this system since their interaction is a condition for transformation in accordance with the principles of architectural and urban planning organization of residential development while maintaining the similarity, integrity, and effectiveness of interactions based on the principles of mutual influence and interdependence of old and new. Cases of contradictions and differences are identified on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the development site in planning, functional, and compositional aspects, according to the principles of interaction between old and new. At the same time, it is determined how the formed elements of the environment as a result of human activity function under the influence of natural characteristics. As a result, areas of internal discomfort are identified. Development of a program of targeted transformations of the characteristics of the residential urban environment based on a step-by-step analysis of the interaction of the main elements of the system, the ultimate goal of which is to improve the quality of urban space. Identification of the environment-forming potential of the territory determines a method of measures in accordance with climatic, aesthetic, and environmental changes in the metropolitan area. Based on the principles of architectural and urban planning of comfortable residential areas, according to the principle of value and the direction of analogy, the environment-forming potential of the territory is determined. This is done by analyzing the mutual influence of natural characteristics and human activities. In conclusion, based on the study, trends are identified to improve the development and comfort of products located in accordance with accepted priorities and specific requirements.

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