
The article deals with the study of a wide range of problems facing the education system as a result of Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine. The urgency of this study is conditioned by the need to analyze educational problems, including analytical and information support of the educational sector during the martial law; search for science-based state policy in the field of education, using reliable data in wartime and post-war time. An analysis of the processes that occurred during the first three months of the war shows that the Ministry of Education of Ukraine (MES) has taken unprecedented steps to ensure the continuity of the educational process in all segments of the Ukrainian education system. In particular, the efforts of the MES together with educational and research institutions, international and NGOs, have ensured the stability of the education system, the availability and continuity of the educational process almost throughout Ukraine. It was found that, despite the significant scale of destruction and damage, educational managers with the unprecedented support of the international community and Ukrainian citizens, using various forms of education, managed to ensure the continuation of the educational process. Special procedures have been elaborated for the completion of the school year 2021/2022 and the launch of the university admission campaign in 2022. The main characteristics of educational information support in turbulent social conditions are outlined. In such circumstances, specific requirements were set for analytical and information support to the education sector, since effective management of education requires reliable information and analysis of educational processes within a short period of time. Proposals have been prepared for the organization of informational educational support during martial law. Analysis of military risks was carried out, and a number of suggestions for improving the efficiency of the educational system during the period of martial law and post-war development were formulated. The article summarizes the relevance of continuing the scientific search for ways of information and analytical support under conditions of social turbulence, and, consequently, the need to develop appropriate, evidence-based approaches and methods involving a wide range of stakeholders.

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