
The article deals with one of the priority directions of social development - media education of students. Modern society is in a phase of intensive digital development, experiencing the en-hanced influence of media technologies being introduced into various spheres of educational life. The effectiveness of a person's functioning in the information age will largely depend on their readiness for continuous self-development and professional improvement in the context of a rapidly changing media reality. The active processes of convergence and digitalization direct the system of higher voca-tional education towards the search for new forms of training and development, which are based on the latest achievements in the field of information and communication technologies. The model of media educational development of students described by the authors corresponds to these processes and takes into account the specifics of the media space in the region. At the same time, media education is considered as one of the factors of professional compliance of fu-ture specialists with the innovative economy of the region. The author's model of media educational development of students includes the following components: information and communication environment of the university, media technologies built into the subjects of the curriculum and an advanced training program that takes into ac-count the directions of training. It is clarified that future journalists are being prepared for the role of a media educator and conducting media educational activities on the basis of those re-gional media which they will work for. Students of other directions of training in the course of mastering a media education course acquire skills in the field of media, what stimulates in them, as future professionals, a steady need for self-improvement and self-development, creativity and critical thinking in the digital environment. It is assumed that graduates who have mastered all the components of the media educa-tion model not only improve their professional competencies defined by the relevant standard, but also acquire additional skills, expressed in the ability to systematically work to improve their own and surrounding media culture. This kind of focus of educational efforts increases their competitiveness in the regional labor market.

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