
The article examines the peculiarities of S.N. Durylin’s perception of the personality of V.V. Rozanov. The writer’s personality had the status of a “teacher” in his mind. The path to his favorite genre form — the aphorism, to which Durylin comes in the final book, and the very concept of the vision of the literary process, which rejects the approaches of N.A. Dobrolyubov, N.G. Chernyshevsky, A.M. Skabichevsky, were taken from V.V. Rozanov. Even those inconsistencies and often illogic in the statements that are present in the final book of S.N. Durylin, were often borrowed from a favorite teacher. Durylin describes it in the Rozanov way-in the circle of domestic life, which V.V. Rozanov considered the most important. That’s why we call this strategy a behavioral text. It is dominated by visual optics. By creating visual images of the imp and the angel, the spiritual portrait of V.V. Rozanov is reconstructed. The image of the imp is a generalized and paradoxically presented portrait of Rozanov, as many contemporaries saw him — a heresiarch and a rebel. To Durylin, however, it opened up from a completely different angle, becoming a symbol of a harmonious personality that sees through the dust motes of being the faces of being. The article draws on two Durylin texts under the same title — “About V.V. Rozanov” from the book “In your Corner” and the unpublished “About V.V. Rozanov. From a letter to a friend” (after 1927), one of the most profound about the writer.

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