
For the third year a full-scale war has been going on in our country. Ukraine is trying in every possible way to resist the imperial ambitions of its northern neighbor. In such conditions the formation of patriotic morals in general secondary education institutions relies on the professional competence of teachers of the «Defense of Ukraine» subject, who must teach the future generation to live in military conditions. During the slave era, in the countries of the Mediterranean region, the problem of the formation of patriotic views in educational institutions of that time was under the control of lawmaking bodies. At one time, the famous ancient politician and philosopher Cicero wrote in his treatise «About the State”: «…the motherland gave birth, or rather, raised us in order to expect some kind of support from us, and not to serve our conveniences and create a safe haven for us in of leisure life and a peaceful place to relax». Therefore, in this publication, based on the data of the relevant scientific and methodological literature, we singled out the methodological principle of harmonious, intellectual and physical development of the future teacher as the main factor in the formation of professional and applied physical training and didactic culture of future employees of general secondary education institutions. The scientific article presents the results of checking the practical block of professional physical training activities for students of the specialty section 014 «Secondary Education (Physical Culture. Defense of Ukraine)» of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, which confirmed the prognostic tasks of our research. The obtained data made it possible to once again prove the effectiveness of the innovative method using the «Bulgarian bag» in physical training of students of higher education institutions.

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