
The article discusses the issues and analyses the problems of the relationship between higher education institutions (HEIs) and business. The purpose of the study is to determine an effective strategy for cooperation between educational institutions and enterprises for the development of the Ukrainian economy. Considerable attention is paid to the general principles of interaction, the role and methods of cooperation in higher education in Ukraine and the world, the advantages and prospects of such cooperation. The authors analysed modern methods of cooperation between HEIs and enterprises. The experience of cooperation between educational institutions and enterprises in the USA, Germany, Great Britain, and Ukraine is considered. The importance of the triple helix model and modern pre-qualification technology, which consists of searching for employees among applicants and graduates of HEIs and business schools, is noted, and the advantages that enterprises can receive in the future by introducing such technology into their activities are considered. Modern practical recommendations for effective cooperation between HEIs and enterprises in all fields of activity have been identified. Аn analysis of the costs of applicants for training and the payback period for these costs after employment has been carried out. It has been established which specialties are the most relevant today and how having a higher education affects obtaining the best job offers. It is concluded that today in Ukraine, in order to ensure effective training of highly qualified employees, it is necessary to ensure constant cooperation between HEIs and enterprises. This should involve the exchange of theoretical and practical experience with the involvement of applicants in the work of enterprises not only during practical training but also when teaching professional disciplines.

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