
The study aims to develop effective diagnostic tools for identifying and assessing professional deficits among inclusive education teachers implementing adapted basic general education programmes for students with mental retardation (hereinafter referred to as ABGEP for students with MR). The paper discusses a study that is being conducted currently at the State Autonomous Institution of Additional Professional Education of Irkutsk Region “Education Development Institute of Irkutsk Region” (hereinafter - SAI APE EDI), within the framework of which standardised assessment procedures are being developed and practically evaluated to identify and assess professional deficits among students of additional professional education programmes, including those aimed at developing professional competencies in the field of inclusive education of students with health limitations (hereinafter - HL). Scientific novelty lies in determining effective assessment materials for the diagnostics of professional difficulties among inclusive education teachers. As a result, it has been proved that the identification of professional deficits in this group of teachers is possible using tests and practical tasks developed based on the content of professional competencies of primary school teachers in accordance with the provisions of the professional standard “Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)”.

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