
The tasks of information and economic interaction of economic entities participating in the innovation process on any territory are formulated and implemented within the boundaries of the regional innovation system (RIS), which is a relatively independent element of a single national (federal) innovation system. Hence, a regional innovation system should be considered as a subsystem of a common – national system, integrated into a single innovation space. In turn, the regional innovation system also consists of three elements (micro-systems) – state, municipal and market. Each of these subsystems at the local level of management includes state and municipal, as well as private (market) commercial and non-commercial economic entities. Each of these subsystems at the local level of management includes state and municipal, as well as private (market) commercial and noncommercial economic entities. The development of relevant innovation policies in each region requires an analysis of the state of the innovative environment also on the basis of the general theoretical principles of systemality, complexity, normality, continuity, program-oriented orientation, adaptability and quantitative measurability. The article reveals the features of the functioning of regional innovation systems, describes the indicators and features that determine the specifics of each regional innovation system, considers the main methodological approaches and the corresponding general, special and private theoretical principles of the formation and functioning of regional innovation systems, reveals the essence and possibility of applying general theoretical principles and indicators of state statistical reporting to analyze the innovative position of regions.

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