
In connection with many unforeseen changes caused by military events in Ukraine: the occupation of the city of Berdyansk by the Russian military; the temporary transfer of the BSPU to the city of Zaporizhzhia to the territory controlled by Ukraine; due to the forced leave of teachers and others, the content of the internal system of ensuring the quality of education at the educational and professional program «Speech Therapy. Special psychology» of the first (bachelor's) level of HE. The article is about polling of students of educational and professional program of «Speech therapy. Special psychology» in BSPU in the conditions of the state of a war. The author of the article developed, researched and characterized the content of the questionnaires «Learning in the educational and professional program «Speech therapy. Special psychology» in the conditions of martial law», «Evaluation of the procedure of organization and conduct of the final certification using information and communication technologies in the conditions of martial law» for applicants of HE in the specialty 016 Special education. 228 persons among the student of specialty 016 Special education participated in these two polls. Based on the results of polls of students of educational and professional program «Speech therapy. Special psychology» which was conducted the workgroup of the program developed and implemented the steps to improve an organisation and content of educational process at the educational and professional program in the conditions of the state of a war. This contributed to the improvement of the organization and content of the educational process at the educational and professional program «Speech Therapy. Special psychology» in the conditions of martial law, establishment of an effective educational process, preservation of the contingent of applicants for HE in this specialty, and also made it possible to work out certain mechanisms of work in unpredictable situations, in particular, such as war. Key words: rolling, students, educational process, the state of a war.

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