
Aim. Marketing research in the segment of herbal medicines for the treatment of the diseases of the cardiovascular system in the Republic of Belarus. Methods. The study of the healthcare market was carried out using analytical and statistical methods by analyzing data from the State Register of Medicines of the Republic of Belarus (as of 01.01.2020) and the database of sales of medicines and biologically active food additives «IQVIA» (data on the sale of medicines for 2019). Data processing was carried out using the Microsoft Office Excel 2016 software package. Results. As of 01.01.2020, 51 herbal medicines from group C (according to the anatomical-therapeutic-chemical classification «Cardiovascular system») were registered in the Republic of Belarus by 29 manufacturers from 10 countries. Most herbal medicines for treatment of cardiovascular diseases are imported (54.90%). According to originality criterion generic herbal medicines from this segment prevail, both in terms of the number of registered names (78.43%) and sales volumes in cash (53.86%) and in kind (96.49%). In terms of composition, monocomponent herbal medicines prevail (56.86%). Among monocomponent medicines the majority of herbal medicines for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases are domestic (31.37% of the total number of registered herbal medicines for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases), while among the combined ones the greater part is imported (33.33%). In terms of sales in kind, monocomponent herbal medicines prevail (74.98%), whereas in monetary terms combined ones predominate (40.65%). Conclusion. It is a promising perspective for domestic enterprises to develop combined herbal medicines for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases in order to provide the population with more affordable medicines from this segment, as well as to implement the principles of import substitution in the healthcare market of the Republic of Belarus.

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