
Currently, the information society is developing at a high speed, in fact, almost everyone uses the Internet on a regular basis. The global rate of Internet usage has increased significantly over the past few decades. Although this trend is observed in all age groups, it is most pronounced among minors. The expansion of interactive online activities seems to be encouraging young people to stay online longer than expected.
 It is known that excessive use of the Internet increases the tendency to develop destructive behavior on the Internet. Such high-risk behavior can have a detrimental effect both on the psychological development of adolescents and on the formation of their further behavior. We must not forget that when using the Network, you can get both necessary and useful information and "false" information. In most cases, it is minors who are exposed to negative information due to their age and psychological characteristics.
 In addition, groups with a destructive orientation are being formed on the Network, which broadcast aggression, cruelty, hatred, calls for suicidal behavior, which can subsequently lead to the formation of destructive behavior on the part of minors and an increase in the commission of offenses and crimes. Currently, due to the aggravated situation in the world, it is much more common to notice the spread of negative information on the Internet, as well as "false" information that can negatively affect the formation of the worldview of minors, value orientations and further behavior.
 Of course, on the one hand, the use of the Network gives a minor the opportunity to satisfy their necessary needs, such as communication, searching for information, watching movies and useful videos, etc. But on the other hand, certain risks appear to a greater extent in the use of uncontrolled communications by minors, access to negative content appears.
 We emphasize that the main preventive activities should be carried out by law enforcement agencies. Due to the fact that the protection of the rights of minors is within the competence of the Juvenile Affairs Unit (hereinafter PDN), first of all, preventive activities should be carried out by PDN inspectors.

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