
The development of engineering education in Russia plays an important role in the creation of future technologies, the development of new inventions. (Research purpose) The research purpose is forming a patriotic attitude to engineering education in Russia on the example of the activities of a prominent scientist in the field of mechanization and electrification of agriculture, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, academician of the VASHNIL Aleksandr Ivanovich Selivanov. (Materials and methods) The analysis of literary sources was carried out by applying the historical and analytical method. Modern and historical literary sources, conference materials, scientific manuscripts, military-historical materials, original scientific works of A.I. Selivanov were used as materials. (Results and discussion) They outlined the life and creative path of A.I. Selivanov. After graduating from the Faculty of Industrial Agriculture of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, A.I. Selivanov worked his way up from an engineer, head of a laboratory, to deputy director for scientific work of VIM, GOSNITI, Siberian Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. (Conclusions) A significant cycle of his work is aimed at developing maintenance and repair systems for machines and the rational organization of the repair base. A.I. Selivanov is the founder of the theory of aging of machines, co-author of the textbook "Theoretical foundations of repair and reliability of agricultural machinery." Under his leadership and with his direct participation, a standard tractor and combine repair technology was developed, which served for many years as the main technical document for all repair enterprises. A.I. Selivanov made a huge contribution to the training of scientific, pedagogical and agroengineering personnel in Russia. His diligence, courage, bravery, heroism, perseverance and many other qualities that are necessary for our younger generation serve as a real example for many people.

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