
The paper investigates the effect of changes in the composition of a multiphase fluid over the time of operation of the field at different diameters of the offshore pipeline on such basic operational parameters as temperature, pressure, and the size of the slugcatcher in front of the platform equipment. The conditions of the pipeline routeare close to the conditions of the Sakhalin shelf. The composition and properties of the extracted fluid were chosen approximately based on the oil fields of the North-East Sakhalin oil and gas region. Modeling of the operating modeof pipelines of various diameters was carried out using the PIPESIM software package and the built-in multiphase flow correlation method «OLGAS 3-Phase HD». The obtained results of the study revealed certain dependencesof the change in the diameter of the pipeline on the parameters of its operation along the profile of pipeline. Based on the results of the study, recommendations for modeling multiphase pipelines for offshore fields were formed.

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