
The article is devoted to the problem of forming cultural competence of future musicians-pedagogues in the process of professional training, in particular, during the studying music history. The purpose of the article is to outline the pedagogical principles that will contribute to forming cultural competence of future Music teachers, as well as the necessary and sufficient pedagogical conditions, methods of implementation are the basis for the appropriate methodology. Cultural competence is defined as an acquired professional quality and personal integral phenomenon, which reflects preparation in performance, musicology and music pedagogy, a valuable attitude towards art and a profession, and readiness to apply what has been acquired into practice in dialogue with others. The potential of cultural competence in music and historical training the future music teacher has been clarified. The holistic awareness of art, the connection of art with other areas of knowledge, and with life as a source of artistic images are emphasized. Dominant pedagogical principles for forming cultural competence are singled out (culture of conformity based on the cultural approach, artistic integration, the practical and active orientation of the educational process, actualization of a person’s creative resources, dialogues, the connection of the process of learning art with the history of mankind and the history of one’s country and national culture). Pedagogical conditions for forming cultural competence in future music teachers are described. The unifying role of the conditions for forming an attitude towards partnership and communication in the cultural and educational environment (artistic during interpretive activity and interpersonal) is substantiated. A conclusion is made about the subjectivity of future music teachers, so pedagogical conditions acquire mean in gout side it. Moreover, it is concluded that the further development of methods should aim at the implementation of each pedagogical condition in view of the essence and structure of cultural competence. Studying artistic communication in the digital environment will be our future prospect.

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