
A field study was carried out on the population dynamics of Medfly Ceratitis capitata Wied. males in three governorates groves of Gaza Strip (North, Gaza and Middle). Forty two orchards of Valencia orange as host plants of the fruit fly, thirty one orchards of olive as nonhost plants and sixteen backyards as urban area representing three different ecological environments of the fly, were chosen during two successive growing seasons. During the first growing season (2002), the grand mean of captured males/trap/day (CTD) of C. capitata for all inspection dates were: 1.99, 1.19, 1.2, 1.67, 1.35, 0.93 and 0.94 in Valencia orchards, North, Gaza, Dair Al Balah zone, total area, olive orchards and backyards, respectively. In 2003, the CTD for the above mentioned sites were 3.26, 1.12, 1.99, 1.81, 0.93, 1.03, and 1.02, respectively. Mean percentages of C.capitata host fruit infestations were 12.5-35.1% in collected samples during two successive seasons. All the sites contained mixed host plants of citrus, stone and pome fruits, guava, figs and other host fruits. More than two population peaks at the fruit ripening period of Valencia orange (April-June), peach, fig, guava (June-August) and Shammoty orange, grapefruit, guava, clementine (November-December) were obtained. The Medfly activity continued in most of the season, but decrease to a very low level in all studied locations during early spring months (February -March), due to the absence of host fruits and unfavorable climatic conditions. There was relationship between the average daily temperatures and daily activity period of the insect during summer seasons, as the traps captured a greater number of males at moderate temperatures. The mean number of CTD was significantly different in all 36 dates of inspection in each season for the three governorates and in three ecological environments (Valencia orange, olive orchards and backyards) of C.capitata during 2002 and 2003 seasons. In the same, time the means CTD,s were not significantly different among the three governorates. Results obtained could be exploited in management of this insect pest especially, in its control programs أجريت دراسة حقلية خلال موسمي نمو متتاليين 2002 و2003 حول ديناميكية تغير أعداد ذكور ذبابة الفاكهةCeratitis capitata Wied., Diptera: Tephritidae في بساتين الفاكهة لثلاث محافظات: الشمال وغزة والوسطى. وقد اختير لتمثيل ثلاث بيئات مختلفة لذبابة الفاكهة 42 بستان فلنسيا كعائل نباتي لهذه الحشرة و31 بستان زيتون كنبات غير عائل و16 حديقة منزلية في المناطق السكنية، إضافة لجميع المساحات المزروعة في المحافظات الثلاث. في عام 2002

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