
Within the framework of the formed socio-economic agenda, which puts forward as tasks the acceleration of technical and technological development of the branches of the Russian Federation, the introduction of digitalization in all spheres of society, the involvement of university researchers in the implementation of projects most in demand by industrial enterprises. This requires the concentration of the entire intellectual potential and experience of the teaching staff and graduate students, the use of all types of laboratory equipment to solve scientific and practical problems of strategic or commercial value.. The subject of the research is the creation of a digital mechanism for assessing the relevance of research projects (R&D) for subsequent selection and inclusion in the plans of scientific activities of universities. The purpose of the work is to provide the most objective assessment of the relevance of research based on the synthesis of expert evaluation criteria, weight evaluation of the direction of research and mathematical processing of multi—criteria evaluation of research projects to determine their priority. Разработана шкала для проведения экспертного анализа проектов НИР с помощью лексических оценок и их перевода в интервальную оценку. An algorithm of multi-criteria ranking of projects has been formed, which provides an opportunity to identify projects that have the highest commercial demand or strategic value.

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