
In the article, the author defines the main methods of stylization of Ukrainian folk dance. One of the most important forms of preservation and transmission of accumulated experience from one generation to another is the ability of Ukrainian folk dance to give birth and form new stage forms. The basis of any stylized number is folklore and ethnographic material, which conveys the entire atmosphere of the historical environment and reproduces the national flavor. The stylization of Ukrainian folk dance consists in the ability to competently combine modern acrobatic tricks and virtuosic movements with purely folk dance movements. Stylization makes it possible to reflect and convey the entire atmosphere of the national and historical environment, contributes to the strengthening of expressiveness in choreographic works. Ukrainian folk dance developed throughout the history of our people, accumulating new means of expression, because from its original ceremonial form, it underwent a thousand-year development, as a result of which it was enriched, complicated by new movements, accompanied by songs. Currently, Ukrainian folk dance occupies a significant place among the cultural heritage of our people, and its high popularity in Ukraine and abroad is explained by the wealth of plots and themes, humor, sincerity, cheerful character, etc. The presence of expressive everyday features, common and different, combined with technically virtuosic movements, gives Ukrainian folk dance its originality, originality and unique flavor. All structural elements of Ukrainian folk dance are subject to transformation: music, imagery, plot, vocabulary. All this is developed and developed by the choreographer, based on his own vision and creative individual style, the presence of thorough knowledge of classical, folk, modern, ballroom dance, knowledge of national choreographic features and culture of various peoples, etc. Ways of stylizing Ukrainian folk dance are built according to a clear algorithm. First, the ways of stylization, its stages and components are determined, and only then practical work on the choreographic piece begins. The methods of stylization used by the choreographer-producer to create a choreographic work based on Ukrainian folk dance must meet the interests of modern performers and spectators on the one hand, and on the other - preserve traditions, nurture personality through folk music and dance folklore.

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