
Country's patent activity in terms of industry affiliation depends on the existing scientific and technical potential in the country and the interest of non-residents in the creation of patents in order to use them in particular country’s production. The relevance of the study is determined by the growing interest and significance in investigating the aspects of influence between innovative activity and the parameters of the country's development. The purpose of the article is to identify the dependence of the industry orientation in the country on the characteristics of patent activity. The number of patents by industry indicates the degree of development in this industry and reveals ways to assess the economic role of the country and its competitiveness in a particular industry. The leading approach for analysis is the method of grouping according to the main parameters. This paper contains an analysis of the emphasis of the country's innovative development in terms of industry and the economic role of a particular country, as well as the role of scientific and technical preferences based on the analysis of patent activity. The article also represents the relationship between the GDP of countries, patent activity and the main competitive areas for leading economies.

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