
This paper aims to highlight the effects of the illegal immigration on the Libyan national sovereignty. The researcher used both inductive method and comparative method to identify and clarify the violation of the national sovereignty with the growing of the phenomenon of illegal immigration, and to study to what extent illegal immigration phenomenon is associated with the national sovereignty violation. The research focused on the Libyan case as it is the nearest country to the European shores; in addition to the presence of human smuggling rings which work, uncontrolled on the Libyan territories, to facilitate the illegal immigration to the European ports for money, which in turn affects the Libyan sovereignty, its stable security, and its commitments to the international treaties and conventions. On the other hand, the illegal immigration might constitute a flagrant violation of the national sovereignty, as the presence of human smuggling rings, money-laundering, and organ trafficking rings might cause disruption of many of the international relations between Libya and its international partners, since Libya is among the countries that have signed the international conventions on the illegal immigration. The researcher achieved several results, including: the national sovereignty might be affected as the human smuggling rings and money launderers constitute a significant threat by circumventing the prohibitions and the restrictions to facilitate the illegal immigration to the European shores for money.

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