
Aim: to study the efficacy and safety of bovine cerebral cortex polypeptides (BCCP) in patients with chronic cerebral ischemia (CCI). Patients and Methods: an open multicenter randomized prospective comparative clinical trial was conducted with the participation of 40 patients with CCI (ICD-10: 167.8) aged 55 to 75 years, having risk factors for cerebrovascular pathology (hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia or atherosclerosis) and vascular brain damage (according to the data of MRI, the STRIVE v1 protocol). After randomization, main group (n=20) received standard therapy for the underlying disease and Renobrain® СМ 10 mg/day, intramuscularly, for 10 days. Control group (n=20) received only standard therapy of the underlying disease. Clinical and neurological examination was performed using international questionnaires to assess cognitive and functional disorders before and after the therapy course in 30–32 days (Schulte and DSST tests, asthenic state and life quality SF-36 scales). Results: the BCCP, in addition to standard therapy in patients with CCI contributed to a statistically significant (p<0.05) improvement in cognitive functions (volume; refocusing rate; concentration and vigilance; working memory; information processing speed; executive, neurodynamic and regulatory functions), increased exercise tolerance, reduced mental fatigue and improving the life quality. The positive changes that occurred during treatment in the main group were probably related to the GABAergic effect, relationship normalization of the excitatory and inhibitory amino acids and mediators in the central nervous system, which leaded to functional restoration of neuronal cerebral systems. Conclusion: BCCP use in the complex therapy of patients with CCI is pathogenetically justified. Given its neurotrophic effect along with a high safety profile, repeated courses of such a drug and its wider use in patients with vascular brain damage can be recommended. KEYWORDS: chronic cerebral ischemia, cerebrovascular diseases, cognitive disorder, asthenia, bovine cerebral cortex polypeptides. FOR CITATION: Ekusheva E.V., Voitenkov V.B. Efficacy and safety of Renobrain® СМ in patients with chronic cerebral ischemia. Russian Medical Inquiry. 2023;7(10):666–671 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.32364/2587-6821-2023-7-10-9.

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