
The content of biologically active substances in fruit and vegetable products is an important parameter for de-termining the possibility of their use in the processing in-dustry. The research goal was to evaluate the yields and analyze the biochemical composition of different varieties of pumpkin grown in the forest-steppe of the Central Cher-nozem Region. It was found that of the studied pumpkin varieties, the maximum yields under these conditions were obtained from Seraya volzhskaya (12.7 t ha) and Zhem-chuzhina (9.3 t ha) varieties. The study of pulp chemical composition revealed that in terms of the content of caro-tene and P-active flavonols giving the brightest orange color to the pulp the variety Golosemyanka was the leading one. In terms of yield, this variety showed the medium indi-ces among the studied varieties -6.9 t ha. A fruit of this variety revealed the following content levels: carotene -20.24 mg %, ascorbic acid -20.24 mg %, and dry solids -7.4%. The Golosemyanka variety also revealed good or-ganoleptic indices. The pulp had a light orange color; the seeds lacked the usual hard shells. Therefore, the Golosemyanka variety may be recommended for use in the production of vegetable puree that will be characterized by high content of biologically active substances.

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