
In the presented scientific article, the author analyzes the main trends in the de-velopment of the tobacco industry of the Russian Federation and key players in the tobacco market. A trend analysis of the production and sale of tobacco products, as well as restrictive measures of state policy aimed at reducing the consumption of tobacco products in accordance with current legislation, was carried out. The information on the size of the shadow tobacco market is pre-sented and it is concluded that the growth in sales of illegal types of tobacco products represents one of the threats to economic security for tobacco industry enterprises. Focusing on modern national threats, the author's vision of the es-sence of the algorithm for ensuring the economic security of the tobacco industry was presented and the main stages were presented, with a concretization of the list of actions. When conducting a set of analytical procedures, primary infor-mation from the monitoring system of threats to the economic security of tobacco industry enterprises is used, which makes it possible to identify and analyze not only internal threats related to the financial condition of the enterprise, opera-tional risks, managerial efficiency and other factors, but also external threats, the occurrence of which is caused by the situation on the international the arena and the national economy. Regular monitoring of these threats helps to prevent fi-nancial losses, reputational damage and other negative consequences. promptly respond to stressful situations, develop strategies to prevent threats and make reasonable decisions for successful business development.

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