
RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST SCIENCE, 2017, № 5, P. 66-72, DOI: 10.7868/S0024114817050072 AMELIORATIVE EFFECT OF GREEN SAND APPLICATION FOR AFFORESTATION OF TAILINGS OF YEGORYEVSK PHOSPHATE FIELD O. V. Martynenko, V. N. Karminov, S. B. Vasil’ev Mytischi Filial, Bauman Moscow State Technical University 1 st Institutskaya st., Mytischi, Moscow Oblast, 141005 Russia E-mail: martinen@mgul.ac.ru Received 10 November 2016 Green sands are considered an effective improver in recultivation of lands disturbed by Yegoryevsk phosphate field (YPF). We studied trial plantations of Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.), Siberian larch ( Larix sibirica Ledeb.), Norway spruce ( Picea abies L. ) and silver birch ( Betula pendula var. carelica Mercl.) growing on recultivated tailings of YPF. Our morphometric studies showed that green sands have had essential effects on primary pedogenesis and vertical differentiation of recultivated soils. We found alkalizing effect of green sands on the recultivated soils, growth of cation exchange capacity, available phosphorus and potassium at the trials. However green sands had low effect on labile nitrogen and humus contents. Dendrologic measurements in 1997, when plantations had been 10 years old, have showed successful growth of pine in all plantations, compared to Siberian larch, Norway spruce and silver birch. All plantations have had highest growth increment on sites where thickness of green sand was 30 cm. Repeated measurements in 2015 did not show significant difference of the dendrometric indicators between the plantations and control. We suggest it was caused by the distribution of root system in the soil profile. At the onset of growth it have had been in the upper mineral layer with the improver. 28 years after, the roots have passed the green sand layer and penetrated the overburden rock having low fertility. Green sands had positive effect on root-taking of tree species like Siberian larch, which degraded at the control site. Keywords: green sands, recultivation, forest plantations, Yegoryevsk phosphate field. REFERENCES Akopov M.N., Sel'skokhozyaistvennaya rekul'tivatsiya zemel', narushennykh pri dobyche fosforitov (na primere Egor'evskogo mestorozhdeniya). Avtoreferat diss. kand. s.-kh. nauk (Agricultural remediation of lands disturbed by phosphorite mining (case study at Yegor'evsk mine). Extended abstract of Candidate's of agric. sci. thesis), Voronezh: VSKhI, 1987, 15 p. Andres V.V., Karlovich S.V., Akopov M.N., Opyt rekul'tivatsii vyrabotok fosforitnykh mestorozhdenii (Reclamation of phosphorite mines: a case study), Zemledelie , 1986, No. 6, pp. 14–16. http://www.vniiki.ru/document/4153578.aspx , 1983, GOST Karlovich S.V., Akopov M.N., Vosstanovlenie plodorodiya rekul'tivirovannykh zemel' (Fertility recovery on reclamation lands), Zemledelie , 1980, No. 3, pp. 48–49. Kormilitsyna O.V., Bondarenko V.V., Paliy I.M., Otsenka svoistv granulometricheskikh elementov kak osnova dlya sozdaniya pochvenno-gruntovykh smesei zadannogo kachestva (The estimation of properties of texture particles as a basis for creation of soil substrates of the required quality), Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta lesa – Lesnoi vestnik , 2007, No. 7 (56), pp. 97–101. Maksimushkina R.A., Karlovich S.V., Rekul'tivatsiya zemel' (Reclamation of lands), Zemlya rodnaya , 1979, No. 8, pp. 20–21. Novozhilova E.O., Ekologicheskaya otsenka kul'tur sosny obyknovennoi na otvalakh Egor'evskogo mestorozhdeniya fosforitov. Avtoreferat diss. kand. biol. nauk (Environmental assessment of Scots pine plantations on dumps of Yegoryevsk phosphorite mine. Extended abstract of candidate's biol. sci. thesis), Moscow: MGUL, 1994, 22 p. Shishov L.L., Tonkonogov V.D., Lebedeva I.I., Gerasimova M.I., Klassifikatsiya i diagnostika pochv Rossii (Classification and recognition of soils in Russia), Smolensk: Oikumena, 2004, 342 p. Tyulina O.V., Antonova Z.P., Anoshkina E.A., Dinamika plodorodiya rekul'tiviruemykh zemel' Egor'evskogo mestorozhdeniya fosforitov (Dynamics of fertility of remediated lands in Yegoryevsk phosphorite mines), Agrokhimiya , 1981, No. 9, pp. 80–86. Vasil'ev S.B., Tipy lesnykh kul'tur na promyshlennykh otvalakh Podmoskov'ya (na primere Egor'evskogo mestorozhdeniya fosforitov). Diss. kand. s.-kh. nauk (Types of forest plantations on industrial wastes dump in Moscow region: case study of Yegoryevsk phosphorite mine. Candidate's agric. sci. thesis.), MGUL, 2000, 119 p. Yakovleva E.A., Bakalov A.N., Glaukonit kak potentsial'noe mestnoe udobrenie na Kubani (Glauconite as a potentsial new local fertilizer at Kuban region), Politematicheskii setevoi elektronnyi nauchnyi zhurnal Kubanskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta , 2012, No. 82, pp. 622-631.

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