
In 2022, two significant dates are celebrated: the 150th anniversary of the birth of S. P. Diaghilev (1872–1929), entrepreneur, creator and head of the "Russian Seasons" enterprise in Paris, and the 140th anniversary of the birth of I. F. Stravinsky, an outstanding composer. Based on documentary evidence, the article traces the nature of the interaction between the two creators in certain periods of their joint work. At the same time, it is noted that the fates of the two figures of Russian culture were closely intertwined in terms of personal friendship. They also had much in common: both Diaghilev and Stravinsky were brought up in families where art and music were deeply revered, both studied at Saint Petersburg University and took lessons from professors of the Saint Petersburg Conservatory. The composer and the entrepreneur collaborated for a long period in the Parisian "Saisons Russes", for which Stravinsky composed twelve operas and ballets. Their creative collaboration in the Diaghilev project lasted eighteen years. Fate surprisingly brought them together after their demise, both Stravinsky and Diaghilev rested with a difference of 42 years on the island-cemetery of San Michele in Venice.

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