
Practically no studies on drip irrigation of raspberries in the conditions of the Moscow region have been carried out, in particular, the patterns of the production process of plants under drip irrigation have not been identified. In this regard, the purpose of the research was to study the effect of drip irrigation regimes on the formation of raspberry seedlings in the conditions of soddy-podzolic soils in the Central region of the Non-Chernozem zone of Russia. The studies were carried out on the lands of the educational and experimental farm of the laboratory of fruit growing "Michurinskiy Sad" of the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy in 2020-2022. The two-factor field experience included regimes as the first factor, and varietal characteristics as the second. As a result of the research, it was revealed that drip irrigation contributes to the saving of irrigation water and the creation of an optimal water-air regime of the soil during the entire growing season. In the variant of drip irrigation with maintaining moisture in the root layer in the range of 80-100% of the lowest moisture capacity, the saving of irrigation water compared to furrow irrigation averaged 65%, and in the variant of 60-80% of the lowest moisture capacity - 78%. Drip irrigation contributes to the formation of seedlings with the highest values of biometric indicators (stem diameter, plant height, leaf surface area and volume, length, mass of the root system) and increase productivity. An analysis of the experimental data on the biometric indicators of raspberries and its yield allows us to recommend irrigation regimes with maintaining the moisture content of the root layer of the soil in the range of 70-90% of the lowest moisture capacity and 80-100% of the lowest moisture capacity as optimal.

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